Rules of Visiting Exhibition


All persons who accepted the invitation of the organizer to visit the exhibition, as well as registered as a visitor or bought a ticket, agree to these Rules and undertake to observe them.

1.The basis for entering to the exhibition during the entire period of the exhibition is a badge.

2. Changing completing the visitor's questionnaire for a badge is mandatory! Questionnaire forms are on the tables next to the reception desk.

3. In case of loss of the badge, you can ask for help from the registration desk to recover the badge.

4. The transfer or sale of badges to any third party is prohibited. The exhibition organizer has the right to check the conformity of the name indicated in the badge with the visitor's name, for which the Organizer can ask the visitor to present an identity document.

5. On the territory of the exhibition, visitors are not allowed to trade, distribute any advertising and information products, conduct presentations, demonstrations, agitation and any other similar events and actions without the written consent of the organizer.

6. On the territory of the exhibition it is prohibited to be in a state and in a form that is not in accordance with the business style of the exhibition and generally accepted norms of conduct, and also perform actions that violate public order.

7. In case of violation of these Rules, the organizer has the right, without any compensation, to deny the person who committed the violation in visiting the exhibition